Here I am adding some more generally asked interview questions in the RPA world.
- What is the RPA Tool did you used and explain the architecture of the Tool?
- How will you do the Data Migration in-case of any Risk happens in your existing automation process?
- How do identify if the Process is good candidature to automation or not?
- What are the common parameters used/decides if the process is automateable or not?
- How to define simple , medium and complex process in RPA perspective?
- How you are handling the logs in terms of process exception/ failures?
- How you are handling Infrastructure failures in RPA enabled environments?
- Which complex scenario do you automated and what is the savings realized in terms of FTE as well as Cost?
- What are common buzzwords currently used in the RPA world?
- Do you have experience in AI & Machine Learning capability? where you implemented?
- Do you have any scripting experience (such as Javascript/ Vb script)? where did you used it in your project and why you used it?
- How will handle the frequent changing or dynamic web site/ GUI application?.
- How will retry the failed cases in your process?
- How will you update some data into the two application simultaneously using your RPA tool?
- How can you get the last updated file from folder using your RPA Tool?
- Do you have experience in calling Web/ Rest Services in your RPA Process.?
- How will pass the data from one system to another or one RPA Tool to another?
- How will track the Success\failure Reports for your RPA Process and how do you expose those data to BI & Analytic tools.
- How do you write your format/ Processed Excel Data into specific format PDF?
- Explain the steps to achieve the Email Automation?
- Explain the steps for sending alert to the user for new folder/ file is created in a shared path using RPA Tool?
- How do handle the String Operations in your RPA Process?
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